2 min readFeb 21, 2021
Autism Speaks does not speak for us!

Founded by Bob and Suzanne Wright. Autism Speaks a charity that is notorious for its problematic views. They have silenced multiple autistic voices in the past.

So what is a terrorist group, and why does A$ meet the criteria of being listed as a hate group?

A terrorist organisation/hate group is a group that seeks to incite fear into the populace and get control of the population and eradicate some people. Furthermore, A hate group is an organisation that aims to eradicate the people that it hates. For example, a hate group would try to create fearmongering propaganda against the people that it targets. Autism Speaks seeks to eradicate Autism and uses said propaganda. 2 such videos give a prime example of why Autism Speaks should be reclassified from a charity to a hate group. The video “I am Autism” compares Autism to Aids, Cancer and Diabetes, and the other one named Autism Every day has a blonde-haired mother talk about wanting to drive off a bridge with her and her daughter still in the car right in front of her daughter.

The group has also funded eugenics and the notorious JRC which uses shocks on the students there. Furthermore, Autism Speaks’ budget does little to actually HELP autistics. A vast majority of their money goes towards making fear-mongering propaganda. They also support pseudoscience.

