Saved by a Hero

3 min readMar 21, 2021

This is the story of a girl who was saved by a Knight in shining armour from a vile evil person.

Her name was Victoria and she was a teenage girl who had some friends. One day she and some friends had a slumber party when this girl named Scarlett that they hung out with. Victoria didn’t really like this girl but she hung out with this girl out of pity. The reason was that Victoria didn’t really like this girl all too well was because Scarlett kept on saying that she had a crush on Satan.

Scarlett wanted to contact the Devil and given Victoria’s traumatic experiences with the occult. She did everything to prevent Scarlett from doing so. However one night, Victoria had a slumber party that she decided to invite her friends to. Victoria of course invited the girl not because they were friends but because again out of pity. Victoria did feel pretty bad for her because no one liked a girl that wanted to contact the Devil and Scarlett was pretty unpopular. Victoria then explained the rules to her friends and Scarlett. She explained to them “Now I know that David probably already knows this first rule but I will say it so that you do not disobey this rule the first rule is: NO 3 AM CHALLENGES that means NO ouija boards, NO bloody Mary challenges and NO one-man hide-and-seek challenges, however, I will allow horror movies just not at 3 in the morning because I am trying to sleep and I do not like to be woken up that early” Then she explained the rest of the rules which were pretty self-explanatory.

However, to her utter and complete shock, Scarlett broke that rule. It happened at 6:00 PM at night. Scarlett asked the Ouija Board to speak to the Devil. She failed for the first 4 attempts then Victoria went out and yelled at her. Victoria went to get a drink when to her utter horror she saw that Scarlett had succeeded on the final attempt.

Scarlett asked the Ouija board “Who am I speaking to?” Then Satan appeared. Victoria spitted out her water. Satan and Victoria’s friends gathered around a large table. Satan sat at the very end of the table with just one seat next to him. Victoria looked at Satan and he gestured her to come and sit next to him. So she went and miserably sat next to him. Her friends could see how miserable she was. The dress was an uncomfortable crimson dress that just reached down to just above her kneecaps. It was uncomfortable in the sense that she hated the length and the material. The seat was uncomfortable too. Then Satan asked Victoria “How was school.” She said without any emotion on her face “Fine.” The atmosphere was miserable and sad.

Then out of nowhere, the atmosphere in the room changed to complete happiness and romantic. Then a handsome prince and his soldiers marched in and broke down the door. This prince was strong and noble. His soldiers removed Satan. The dress Victoria was wearing changed to a beautiful white dress that went all the way down to the floor. This dress was beautiful and it had a yellow sash. The materials were completely comfortable and the seats changed.

Then this Handsome prince went and danced with Victoria and it was the happiest day of her life. They danced the quadrille and she relaxed in his arms and drifted off to sleep. It was peaceful and she enjoyed it.

The prince’s name was Ernst Von Hanover and he was charming and kind and loving. He was caring and noble.

